More to die-alogue

Good uplifting creative works are going on all around us. Two of them are noted below, but there are heaps of others, from art exhibitions, to musical offerings such as an album of funeral songs recorded by Paul Kelly & Charlie Owen, titled Death’s Dateless Night. 

Here are a couple, the first one prompted by a note from Charles Cowling of the The Good Funeral Guide.

The Zimmers “My Generation” – they made it to the finals of Britain’s Got Talent (2012) Here they are performing on YouTube:

On Ikley Moor Bah’tat — Cycles of life: What goes around comes around. Yorkshire Anthem –


The message of this song is that if you fail to wear a hat on a cold day, your friends may end up eating you!

The singer addresses a friend who has been courting on the Moor with his love Mary Jane; moors tend to be windy places, and on this occasion he went out without wearing his hat – “baht ‘at” – although it is also sometimes suggested that he wasn’t wearing his trousers either!

Whatever, this desideratum will result in him catching his death of cold, after he dies the worms will eat him, the ducks will eat the worms, and his friends will eat the ducks, meaning they will have eaten him.

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